Estimation of the subgrade reaction modulus using field and numerical analysis methods

  • Salar Khaiiatali Department of Civil Engineering, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Amirhassan Rezaei Farei Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Alireza Zaman Department of Civil Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
  • Mohammad Ahmadiadli Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Marand Branch, Iran.
Keywords: Subgrade reaction coefficient, Plate loading experiment, Numerical modeling, Vesic equation


Subgrade soil's reaction coefficient is of high importance in designing superficial structures. Different researches have been made in determining ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations. The ultimate bearing capacity of shallow strip footings is generally determined (Terzaghi, 1996). Especially in metropolises, the increase in the number of building stories and subsequently increase in loading measure on underlying soil makes this matter more important. So far various methods have been applied to estimate the suitable level of this coefficient which most substantial ones include various empirical relations, types of numerical modeling and using field experiments. In present study the value of this coefficient for the soil of Fereshteh alley district in Tabriz has been determined through various empirical and numerical ways and field experiments of plate loading and in the end an equation has been provided to estimate the subgrade soil's reaction coefficient.

How to Cite
Khaiiatali, S., Rezaei Farei, A., Zaman, A., & Ahmadiadli, M. (2024). Estimation of the subgrade reaction modulus using field and numerical analysis methods . Journal of Civil Engineering and Structures, 8(1), 1-7.